» Looking Down

Looking Down

Book meta-data
  • Reading Box: Red (Levels 3-5)
  • Year: a-Kindergarten
  • Fiction/Nonfiction: Fiction
  • Theme/Topic: Leisure and recreation, School and community
  • Genre: General narrative
  • Strategy/Skills: Determining main ideas, Making predictions, Monitoring for meaning
  • Page Count: 16
  • Reading Level: 3
  • Item Code: 200086
  • High Frequency Words: down, I, can, see, some, up, here
Reader Description

I live in a tall building. When I look down I can see lots of things. But what can I see up here?

After you have completed the Reader

The boy can see lots of things when he looks down. What can you see when you look out the window? Draw a picture of the things you see. Write a label for each thing.

Support Materials

Blackline Master


Lesson Plan


Printable Reader


Printable Reader (Wordless)


Word Cards
